Dive into the enchanting world of Flann O’Brien’s “At Swim-Two-Birds,” a timeless classic reissued by Penguin Modern Classics. This captivating tale intertwines the lives of an aspiring writer, his characters, and the blurred lines of reality and fiction that echo throughout the narrative. Known for its brilliant wit and innovative structure, O’Brien’s masterpiece invites readers on an unforgettable journey through a labyrinth of stories that challenge the very essence of storytelling.
Our paperback edition is brand new and in mint condition, ensuring that you receive this literary gem exactly as intended. With same-day dispatch for orders placed before noon and guaranteed packaging, your convenience is our priority. And if for any reason you aren’t completely enchanted by your purchase, we offer a no-quibbles return policy because your satisfaction means everything.
Whether you’re delving into contemporary fiction or adding to your literary collection, “At Swim-Two-Birds” is a must-have. Grab your copy today and experience the innovative genius of Flann O’Brien!
Brand | Penguin |
Author | O’Brien, Flann |
Edition | 3 |
Binding | paperback |
Color | Black |
Part Number | 9780141182681 |
EAN | 9780141182681 |
UPC | 884671547206 |
ISBN | 0141182687 |
AID | 0141182687 |
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